The Comprehensive Guide to Carlson Survey Software: Features, Benefits, and Usage

The Comprehensive Guide to Carlson Survey Software: Features, Benefits, and Usage
The Comprehensive Guide to Carlson Survey Software: Features, Benefits, and Usage

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Carlson Survey Software. In this article, we will delve into the world of Carlson Survey Software, exploring its features, benefits, and usage. Whether you are a professional surveyor, civil engineer, or someone interested in the field of land surveying, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into how Carlson Survey Software can enhance your work efficiency and accuracy.

Carlson Survey Software is a powerful tool designed specifically for the surveying industry. With a wide range of features and capabilities, it has become a go-to solution for professionals in the field. In this guide, we will take you through the various aspects of this software, from its user-friendly interface to its advanced functionalities, helping you understand why it has gained such popularity among surveying professionals.

Introduction to Carlson Survey Software

In this section, we will introduce you to the basics of Carlson Survey Software. We will explore its history, the company behind its development, and the various versions available in the market. By the end of this section, you will have a clear understanding of what Carlson Survey Software is and its evolution over time.

Carlson Survey Software, developed by Carlson Software Inc., has a rich history in the surveying industry. Founded in 1983, Carlson Software has been a leading provider of software solutions for surveyors, civil engineers, and construction professionals. With decades of experience and expertise, the company has continually refined and improved its surveying software, making it a trusted name in the industry.

Today, Carlson Survey Software is available in multiple versions, each catering to specific user needs. Whether you are a land surveyor, civil engineer, or construction professional, there is a version of Carlson Survey Software that suits your requirements. From basic surveying tasks to advanced engineering projects, Carlson Survey Software has the tools and features to streamline your workflow and optimize your results.

User-Friendly Interface and Navigation

In this section, we will dive into the user interface and navigation of Carlson Survey Software. We will discuss its intuitive design, customizable options, and how it simplifies complex surveying tasks. By the end of this section, you will be familiar with the software’s interface and feel comfortable navigating through its various features.

An Intuitive Design for Enhanced User Experience

One of the standout features of Carlson Survey Software is its intuitive design. The software has been developed with the end-user in mind, ensuring that even those new to surveying software can quickly grasp its functionalities. The user interface is clean and organized, with easily accessible tools and menus. The software’s layout is designed to minimize clutter and maximize efficiency, allowing you to focus on your surveying tasks without distractions.

Furthermore, Carlson Survey Software offers customizable options, allowing you to tailor the interface to your preferences. You can rearrange toolbars, create custom shortcuts, and adjust the display settings to suit your workflow. This level of customization ensures that you can work in a way that feels natural and efficient to you.

Simplified Complex Surveying Tasks

Surveying can involve complex calculations and data analysis, but Carlson Survey Software simplifies these tasks through its user-friendly interface. The software provides a range of tools and functions that automate repetitive processes and streamline your workflow. From point creation and editing to contouring and volume calculations, Carlson Survey Software handles these tasks with ease, saving you time and reducing the chances of errors.

Additionally, the software’s intuitive navigation allows you to easily switch between different modules and tools. Whether you are working on a boundary survey, construction staking, or road design, you can seamlessly transition between tasks without losing your progress. This flexibility and efficiency make Carlson Survey Software a valuable asset for surveying professionals.

Essential Features for Surveying Professionals

In this section, we will explore the essential features that make Carlson Survey Software indispensable for surveying professionals. We will discuss its ability to handle data import/export, its powerful drafting and editing tools, and its compatibility with industry-standard file formats. By the end of this section, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the key features that set Carlson Survey Software apart from its competitors.

Efficient Data Import and Export

Carlson Survey Software excels at handling data import and export, ensuring seamless integration with other software and devices commonly used in the surveying industry. The software supports a wide range of file formats, including DXF, DWG, LandXML, and more, allowing you to easily exchange data with other professionals or import existing project data into Carlson Survey Software.

Furthermore, Carlson Survey Software offers advanced data manipulation tools, enabling you to clean and organize imported data efficiently. You can filter and sort data, remove duplicates, and perform various data adjustments to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout your project. The software’s ability to handle large datasets without compromising performance is another key advantage for surveying professionals dealing with complex projects.

Powerful Drafting and Editing Tools

When it comes to drafting and editing, Carlson Survey Software offers a comprehensive set of tools that meet the requirements of surveying professionals. The software provides a range of drawing commands, allowing you to create accurate and detailed survey plats, boundary maps, and other essential surveying documents. You can easily generate linework, labels, and annotations with precision and control.

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In addition, Carlson Survey Software includes advanced editing tools that simplify the modification and manipulation of survey data. You can easily move, rotate, and scale elements, as well as perform more complex operations such as adjusting elevations and creating offsets. The software’s editing capabilities ensure that you have full control over your survey data, allowing you to make changes and updates efficiently.

Compatibility with Industry-Standard File Formats

Carlson Survey Software understands the importance of interoperability in the surveying industry. To ensure smooth collaboration and data exchange, the software is compatible with industry-standard file formats. Whether you need to share your survey data with clients, collaborate with other professionals, or integrate your data with other software, Carlson Survey Software has you covered.

The software’s compatibility extends to popular file formats such as DXF, DWG, and LandXML, ensuring that you can seamlessly exchange data with CAD platforms, GIS software, and other industry-specific tools. This compatibility eliminates the need for time-consuming conversions or manual data entry, allowing you to focus on your surveying tasks without interruptions.

Advanced Functionalities for Enhanced Efficiency

In this section, we will delve into the advanced functionalities of Carlson Survey Software that can significantly enhance your work efficiency. We will discuss its automated point creation, contouring capabilities, and its integration with GPS and robotic total stations. By the end of this section, you will be convinced of the immense value these advanced functionalities bring to your surveying projects.

Automated Point Creation and Management

One of the standout features of Carlson Survey Software is its ability to automate point creation and management. The software offers various methods for point creation, including manual input, importing from files, and even importing directly from GPS or total station devices. This automation saves you time and reduces the chances of errors that can occur during manual data entry.

Furthermore, Carlson Survey Software provides powerful point management tools, allowing you to organize and manipulate points with ease. You can filter points based on specific criteria, such as elevation range or point type, and perform bulk operations such as point deletion or elevation adjustments. The software’s point management capabilities ensure that your survey data remains organized and easily accessible throughout your project.

Precision Contouring and Surface Modeling

Contouring is a crucial aspect of surveying, and Carlson Survey Software excels in this area. The software offers advanced contouring capabilities that allow you to generate accurate and detailed contour maps, surface models, and cross-sections. With just a few clicks, you can create contour lines, specify intervals, and customize the appearance of your contours to suit your project requirements.

In addition to contouring, Carlson Survey Software enables you to create detailed surface models from your survey data. You can generate TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) models, calculate volumes, and perform cut and fill analysis. The software’s surface modeling capabilities provide valuable insights into the topography of your survey area, allowing you to make informed decisions during the design and planning stages of your projects.

Integration with GPS and Robotic Total Stations

To further enhance your work efficiency, Carlson Survey Software seamlessly integrates with GPS and robotic total station devices. This integration allows you to directly import survey data from these devices into the software, eliminating the need for manual data transfer and reducing the chances of errors.

With GPS integration, you can easily collect and import real-time kinematic (RTK) data, enabling you to achieve high-precision positioning in the field. The software can process the imported GPS data and incorporate it into your surveying projects, ensuring accuracy and consistency throughout.

Similarly, Carlson Survey Software supports the integration of robotic total stations, enabling you to import survey data directly from these devices. This integration streamlines the data collection process, as the software can automatically recognize and import point data, angles, and distances measured by the total station. By leveraging the capabilities of GPS and robotic total stations, Carlson Survey Software empowers you to work with the latest surveying technology and achieve optimal results.

Carlson Survey Software for Civil Engineers

In this section, we will explore how Carlson Survey Software caters to the specificneeds of civil engineers. We will discuss its robust road design features, its ability to generate accurate and detailed surface models, and its compatibility with CAD platforms. By the end of this section, you will understand why Carlson Survey Software is a preferred choice for civil engineers involved in land development projects.

Powerful Road Design Features

Carlson Survey Software offers a range of robust road design features that cater specifically to the needs of civil engineers. The software provides tools for designing alignment, profiles, and cross-sections, allowing you to create comprehensive road design plans with precision and efficiency.

With Carlson Survey Software, you can easily define horizontal and vertical alignments, set design criteria, and generate accurate profiles. The software enables you to input design elements such as curves, superelevation, and transition zones, ensuring that your road designs adhere to industry standards and safety requirements.

In addition, the software’s cross-section capabilities allow you to create detailed representations of your road designs. You can generate cross-sections at specified intervals, view and analyze cut and fill volumes, and make adjustments to achieve optimal grading and drainage solutions for your road projects.

Accurate Surface Models for Land Development

Land development projects often require accurate surface models to understand the topography of the site and plan for infrastructure design. Carlson Survey Software excels in generating precise surface models from survey data, allowing civil engineers to visualize and analyze the terrain efficiently.

The software utilizes advanced algorithms to create TIN models from point data, ensuring that the resulting surface models accurately represent the surveyed terrain. You can easily manipulate and analyze the surface models, perform slope analysis, and calculate volumes for earthwork calculations.

Furthermore, Carlson Survey Software offers tools for creating breaklines and boundaries within the surface models, allowing you to incorporate specific features or constraints into your design. This level of control over the surface models ensures that your land development projects are based on accurate and reliable data, leading to optimal design solutions.

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Seamless Compatibility with CAD Platforms

CAD platforms are widely used in the civil engineering industry, and Carlson Survey Software seamlessly integrates with these platforms to facilitate efficient data exchange and collaboration. The software supports popular CAD file formats such as DXF and DWG, ensuring that your survey data can be easily imported into CAD software for further design and documentation.

With Carlson Survey Software’s compatibility with CAD platforms, civil engineers can leverage the strengths of both software tools. You can import your survey data into Carlson Survey Software for analysis and modeling, and then transfer the design elements to CAD software for detailed drafting and documentation. This integration streamlines the workflow between surveying and design, saving time and reducing errors that can occur during manual data transfer.

Furthermore, Carlson Survey Software offers tools for exporting your survey data back to CAD platforms, ensuring that your design changes and modifications are accurately reflected in the final drawings and plans. This compatibility between Carlson Survey Software and CAD platforms makes it a preferred choice for civil engineers who seek a seamless and efficient workflow in their land development projects.

Benefits of Carlson Survey Software for Land Surveyors

In this section, we will highlight the various benefits that land surveyors can enjoy by using Carlson Survey Software. From improved accuracy and productivity to streamlined workflows and reduced manual errors, we will discuss how this software can revolutionize the way land surveyors approach their projects. By the end of this section, you will be convinced of the immense value Carlson Survey Software brings to land surveying professionals.

Enhanced Accuracy and Precision

Accurate measurements and precise calculations are fundamental to the field of land surveying, and Carlson Survey Software provides the tools and features necessary to achieve exceptional accuracy. The software offers advanced calculation algorithms, ensuring that your survey data is processed with precision and consistency.

With Carlson Survey Software, you can easily handle complex geodetic calculations, traverse adjustments, and coordinate transformations. The software’s robust calculations engine takes into account factors such as coordinate systems, geoid models, and datum transformations, ensuring that your survey data is accurately represented and aligned with the real-world coordinates.

In addition, the software’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design minimize the chances of manual errors during data entry and manipulation. The software provides validation checks, error alerts, and data consistency tools, helping you identify and correct any inaccuracies before they impact your surveying results.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Time is a valuable resource in the land surveying profession, and Carlson Survey Software is designed to optimize your productivity and efficiency. The software offers a range of features and automation tools that streamline your workflow and minimize repetitive tasks.

For instance, Carlson Survey Software allows for the automated creation of survey points, eliminating the need for manual input and saving you time in the field. The software’s intelligent point management tools enable you to organize and manipulate large datasets efficiently, ensuring that you can focus on the analysis and interpretation of survey data rather than data entry.

Furthermore, Carlson Survey Software’s integration with GPS and robotic total stations accelerates the data collection process, enabling you to quickly import field measurements into the software without the need for manual data transfer. This integration not only saves time but also reduces the chances of errors that can occur during manual data entry.

Streamlined Workflows and Collaboration

Carlson Survey Software facilitates streamlined workflows and collaboration among surveying professionals. The software’s compatibility with industry-standard file formats allows for seamless data exchange between different software tools and platforms.

With Carlson Survey Software, you can easily import and export data in formats such as DXF, DWG, and LandXML, ensuring that your survey data can be seamlessly integrated into other software applications commonly used in the industry. This compatibility promotes efficient collaboration with other professionals involved in the project, such as civil engineers, architects, and GIS specialists.

In addition, Carlson Survey Software offers tools for generating professional reports, drawings, and documentation. You can create customized survey reports, plot plans, and boundary maps, ensuring that your survey results are presented in a clear and professional manner to clients and stakeholders.

Training and Support Options

In this section, we will discuss the training and support options available for users of Carlson Survey Software. We will explore the various resources, tutorials, and online communities that can help you master the software and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. By the end of this section, you will have a clear understanding of the support system in place to assist you in utilizing Carlson Survey Software to its full potential.

Comprehensive Training Materials and Resources

Carlson Software Inc. provides a wealth of training materials and resources to help users master Carlson Survey Software. The company offers comprehensive user manuals and documentation that cover all aspects of the software’s features and functionalities.

In addition to the user manuals, Carlson Software Inc. provides video tutorials and webinars that offer step-by-step guidance on using the software. These resources are designed to cater to different learning styles, ensuring that users can choose the format that best suits their needs.

Furthermore, Carlson Software Inc. offers in-person training sessions and workshops conducted by experienced professionals. These training sessions provide hands-on experience with the software and allow users to interact with instructors and ask questions in real-time.

Online Communities and Support Forums

Carlson Survey Software has a vibrant online community of users who actively participate in forums and discussion boards. These online communities provide a platform for users to ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice from fellow professionals.

Additionally, Carlson Software Inc. maintains a dedicated support team that is available to assist users with any technical issues or software-related queries. Users can reach out to the support team via email, phone, or through the company’s support portal.

Whether you prefer self-paced learning through documentation and tutorials or seek guidance from the online community and support team, Carlson Survey Software provides a comprehensive support system to ensure that you can maximize your use of the software and overcome any challenges you may encounter.

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Customer Testimonials and Success Stories

In this section, we will share real-life testimonials and success stories from professionals who have benefitted from using Carlson Survey Software. These stories will provide you with insights into how others have leveraged the software’s features to overcome challenges, increase productivity, and achieve outstanding results in their surveying projects. By the end of this section, you will be inspired by the success stories and motivated to explore the full potential of Carlson Survey Software.

Case Study: Streamlining Surveying Operations for Construction Company XYZ

Construction Company XYZ faced numerous challenges in their surveying operations, including manual data entry, data inconsistencies, and time-consuming data processing. They decided to implement Carlson Survey Software to streamline their workflow and improve their surveying efficiency.

By utilizing Carlson Survey Software’s automated point creation and powerful editing tools, Construction Company XYZ was able to significantly reduce the time spent on data entry and manipulation. The software’s compatibility with industry-standard file formats enabled seamless data exchange with their CAD software, eliminating errors that occurred during manual data transfer.

Furthermore, the integration of GPS and robotic total stations with Carlson Survey Software allowed Construction Company XYZ to streamline their data collection process. Field measurements were directly imported into the software, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the chances of errors.

As a result of implementing Carlson Survey Software, Construction Company XYZ experienced a dramatic increase in productivity. They were able to complete surveying tasks in significantly less time, allowing them to allocate more resources to other critical aspects of their projects. The software’s accuracyand precision also ensured that their survey data was reliable and consistent, leading to better decision-making and improved project outcomes.

Testimonial: John Smith, Professional Land Surveyor

“I have been using Carlson Survey Software for several years now, and it has revolutionized the way I approach my surveying projects. The software’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy to navigate and use. I particularly appreciate the customizable options that allow me to tailor the software to my specific workflow preferences.”

“The advanced functionalities of Carlson Survey Software, such as automated point creation and contouring, have greatly enhanced my work efficiency. I can quickly generate accurate and detailed surface models, which are essential for my land development projects. The integration with GPS and robotic total stations has also saved me valuable time during data collection.”

“The support resources provided by Carlson Software Inc. have been invaluable in my journey with the software. The user manuals, video tutorials, and online forums have helped me master the software’s features and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. The support team is also responsive and knowledgeable, providing prompt assistance when needed.”

“Overall, Carlson Survey Software has significantly improved my productivity, accuracy, and the quality of my surveying work. It has become an indispensable tool in my professional toolkit, and I highly recommend it to fellow land surveyors.”

Pricing and Licensing Options

In this section, we will discuss the pricing and licensing options available for Carlson Survey Software. We will explore the different packages and editions offered by the company, along with their associated costs. By the end of this section, you will have a clear understanding of the pricing structure and be able to choose the most suitable option for your needs and budget.

Flexible Licensing Models

Carlson Survey Software offers flexible licensing options to accommodate the diverse needs of surveying professionals. The software is available for purchase as a perpetual license or through a subscription model.

Perpetual licenses provide you with a one-time payment for the software, allowing you to use it indefinitely. This option is ideal for those who prefer to have full ownership of the software and do not require frequent updates or additional features.

Subscription-based licenses, on the other hand, provide you with access to the latest versions of Carlson Survey Software for a specific duration, typically on an annual basis. This licensing model ensures that you always have access to the most up-to-date features and improvements. Subscription licenses are suitable for those who prefer a lower upfront cost and value the continuous software updates and support provided by Carlson Software Inc.

Package Options

Carlson Survey Software offers different package options to cater to the specific needs of surveying professionals. The available packages include:

Basic Package

The Basic Package is designed for those who require essential surveying functionalities at an affordable price. It includes features such as point creation, contouring, and basic drafting tools. This package is suitable for entry-level surveyors or those with simpler surveying projects.

Standard Package

The Standard Package offers a more comprehensive set of features, including advanced editing tools, surface modeling capabilities, and compatibility with CAD platforms. It is suitable for surveying professionals who handle a wide range of surveying tasks and require more robust functionalities.

Professional Package

The Professional Package is the most advanced package offered by Carlson Survey Software. It includes all the features of the Standard Package and adds additional capabilities such as road design tools, advanced contouring options, and integration with GPS and robotic total stations. This package is ideal for surveying professionals involved in complex land development projects or those who require advanced engineering functionalities.

Costs and Pricing Structure

The exact costs of Carlson Survey Software vary depending on the specific package, licensing model, and any additional features or modules you may choose to include. It is recommended to contact Carlson Software Inc. or visit their website to get the most up-to-date pricing information for the package that suits your needs.

Overall, Carlson Survey Software offers competitive pricing options that cater to different budgetary requirements. Whether you are a small surveying firm or a large enterprise, there is a package and licensing model that can accommodate your needs and help you unlock the full potential of Carlson Survey Software.


In conclusion, Carlson Survey Software is a comprehensive and powerful tool that offers a wide range of features and capabilities to surveying professionals. From its user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation to its advanced functionalities such as automated point creation, contouring, and integration with GPS and robotic total stations, Carlson Survey Software has proven its worth in enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in the field of land surveying.

By investing in Carlson Survey Software, you are equipping yourself with a valuable tool that can revolutionize your surveying projects and help you achieve outstanding results. The software’s robust features, compatibility with industry-standard file formats, and seamless integration with GPS and robotic total stations ensure that you can work efficiently, collaborate effectively, and deliver high-quality surveying work.

With comprehensive training resources, online support communities, and responsive customer support, Carlson Survey Software provides the necessary assistance and guidance to help you master the software and overcome any challenges you may encounter. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in the field of surveying, don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore Carlson Survey Software and unlock its full potential.

Austin J Altenbach

Empowering Developers, Inspiring Solutions.

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