Can You Patent Software? Exploring the World of Intellectual Property

Can You Patent Software? Exploring the World of Intellectual Property
Can You Patent Software? Exploring the World of Intellectual Property

In today’s digital age, software plays a crucial role in our everyday lives. Whether it’s the apps on our smartphones or the complex algorithms running behind the scenes, software has become an integral part of our society. With the rapid advancements in technology, an important question arises: Can you patent software? In this blog article, we will dive deep into the world of intellectual property to explore the possibilities and limitations of patenting software.

Before delving into the specifics, it is essential to understand what a patent is. A patent is a legal document granted by a government that provides exclusive rights to an inventor or assignee for a specified period. It allows the patent holder to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention without their consent. While patents are commonly associated with physical inventions, such as machinery or pharmaceuticals, the eligibility of software for patent protection remains a topic of debate.

The Distinction between Patents and Copyrights

In order to comprehend the patentability of software, it is crucial to distinguish between patents and copyrights. While copyrights protect original works of authorship, such as books, movies, or music, patents safeguard inventions. Patents are granted for new, useful, and non-obvious inventions, which raises the question: Can software be considered an invention?

Software can be seen as a unique creation that involves technical innovation, problem-solving, and the implementation of algorithms. However, it is important to note that not all software can be patented. In order to qualify for a patent, the software must meet certain criteria, including novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. These criteria help determine whether the software is eligible for patent protection or if it falls under the realm of copyright protection.


One of the key requirements for patentability is novelty. In the context of software, this means that the software must be new and not publicly disclosed before filing the patent application. This requirement ensures that the software brings something innovative and previously unknown to the field. It prevents the patenting of software that is merely a replication or slight modification of existing solutions.

To determine novelty, a thorough search of prior art is conducted to identify any existing software or technology that may invalidate the novelty of the invention. Prior art includes any publicly available information, such as existing software programs, published articles, or patents. If the software invention is found to be identical or substantially similar to prior art, it may not meet the novelty requirement and may not be eligible for a patent.


Another crucial requirement for software patentability is non-obviousness. This requirement ensures that the software involves an inventive step that is not obvious to someone skilled in the field. In other words, the software must involve a level of innovation and technical advancement that is beyond what would be considered routine or easily achievable by a skilled professional.

The determination of non-obviousness can be a subjective matter and often involves an examination of the problem the software aims to solve, the existing solutions in the field, and the technological advancements that the software brings. This requirement helps ensure that patents are granted for software inventions that push the boundaries of what is known and bring about substantial improvements or innovations.


Alongside novelty and non-obviousness, utility is another critical requirement for software patentability. Utility refers to the requirement that the software must have a practical application and provide a useful result. In other words, the software must be functional and capable of achieving a specific purpose or solving a problem.

When assessing utility, patent examiners evaluate whether the software invention has a clear and defined purpose, whether it can be practically implemented, and whether it provides a tangible benefit to users or the industry. This requirement ensures that patents are granted for software that has real-world applications and can bring about technological advancements or improvements in various fields.

The Evolution of Software Patentability

The history of software patentability is a complex one. Initially, software was not considered patentable subject matter. However, with the emergence of advanced computer programs, the legal landscape began to change. In 1981, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in the case of Diamond v. Diehr that algorithms could be patented if they had a practical application. This decision opened the door to software patents, but the criteria for patentability were not yet well-defined.

Over the years, the issue of software patentability has been a subject of debate and controversy. The rapid growth of the software industry and the increasing importance of software in various sectors led to a surge in patent applications for software-related inventions. As a result, patent offices and courts around the world were faced with the challenge of determining the boundaries and requirements for software patentability.

Landmark Cases

Several landmark cases have played a significant role in shaping the evolution of software patentability. One such case is the State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group case in 1998, which had a profound impact on software patentability in the United States. In this case, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that business methods implemented through software could be patented as long as they met the criteria of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility.

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Another influential case is the Bilski v. Kappos case in 2010, where the United States Supreme Court stated that abstract ideas, laws of nature, and natural phenomena are not eligible for patent protection. This decision imposed limitations on the patentability of software inventions that were deemed to be abstract or merely a mathematical algorithm without a practical application.

These landmark cases, along with subsequent court decisions and legislative reforms, have helped shape the legal framework surrounding software patentability. However, the debate and discussions regarding the boundaries and requirements for patenting software continue to evolve as technology advances.

The Requirements for Software Patentability

To obtain a software patent, certain requirements must be met. These requirements may vary across jurisdictions, but they generally revolve around the principles of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. Let’s explore each requirement in more detail.


As mentioned earlier, novelty is a fundamental requirement for software patentability. To meet the novelty requirement, the software invention must be new and not publicly disclosed before filing the patent application. This means that the software must bring something innovative and previously unknown to the field.

When assessing novelty, patent examiners conduct a thorough search for prior art, which includes existing software programs, published articles, or patents. The purpose of this search is to identify any prior art that may invalidate the novelty of the software invention. If the software invention is found to be identical or substantially similar to prior art, it may not meet the novelty requirement and may not be eligible for a patent.


Non-obviousness is another critical requirement for software patentability. It ensures that the software invention involves an inventive step that is not obvious to someone skilled in the field. In other words, the software must involve a level of innovation and technical advancement that is beyond what would be considered routine or easily achievable by a skilled professional.

The determination of non-obviousness can be a subjective matter and often involves an examination of the problem the software aims to solve, the existing solutions in the field, and the technological advancements that the software brings. This requirement helps ensure that patents are granted for software inventions that push the boundaries of what is known and bring about substantial improvements or innovations.


Alongside novelty and non-obviousness, utility is another critical requirement for software patentability. Utility refers to the requirement that the software must have a practical application and provide a useful result. In other words, the software must be functional and capable of achieving a specific purpose or solving a problem.

When assessing utility, patent examiners evaluate whether the software invention has a clear and defined purpose, whether it can be practically implemented, and whether it provides a tangible benefit to users or the industry. This requirement ensures that patents are granted for software that has real-world applications and can bring about technological advancements or improvements in various fields.

Enablement and Written Description

In addition to novelty, non-obviousness, and utility, software patent applications must meet the requirements of enablement and written description. These requirements ensure that the patent application provides enough information for a person skilled in the field to practice the invention.

The enablement requirement means that the patent application must sufficiently describe how to make and use the software invention. It must disclose the necessary details, algorithms, and processes involved in implementing the software. This requirement prevents patent holders from obtaining broad patents without providing enough information for others to replicate or build upon the invention.

The written description requirement ensures that the patent application includes a clear and complete description of the software invention. It should provide enough detail for a person skilled in the field to understand and reproduce the invention. This requirement prevents patent applicants from claiming inventions that they have not fully described or invented.

The Challenges of Software Patentability

Despite the possibility of patenting software, numerous challenges exist. One major challenge is the abstract nature of software. Unlike physical inventions, software is intangible and can be difficult to define and describe in a patent application. The abstract nature of software raises questions about the boundaries of patentable subject matter and the extent to which software can be considered an invention.

Abstract Ideas and Laws of NatureAbstract Ideas and Laws of Nature

One of the challenges in software patentability is determining the line between abstract ideas and patentable subject matter. The patent systems in various jurisdictions, such as the United States, have limitations on patenting abstract ideas, laws of nature, and natural phenomena. This limitation aims to prevent the granting of patents for concepts or principles that are fundamental and widely known.

When it comes to software, the challenge lies in identifying whether the software invention is merely an abstract idea or if it involves a practical application. Courts and patent examiners often consider the technical implementation, specific algorithms used, and the tangible results achieved by the software in determining patent eligibility. This assessment helps ensure that patents are granted for software inventions that go beyond general concepts and have real-world applications.

Patent Trolls

Another challenge in software patentability is the issue of patent trolls. Patent trolls, also known as non-practicing entities, are entities that acquire patents solely for the purpose of suing others for infringement. These entities do not create or develop any products or services but instead engage in litigation to extract licensing fees or settlements from alleged infringers.

The presence of patent trolls in the software industry has raised concerns about the effectiveness and fairness of software patents. Critics argue that patent trolls stifle innovation, create a burden on businesses, and hinder competition. As a result, there have been calls for reforms to reduce the impact of patent trolls and improve the overall patent system.

Software Patentability and International Standards

Software patentability also faces challenges when it comes to international standards and harmonization. Different countries have varying criteria and interpretations for software patentability, which can create inconsistencies and complexities for software developers seeking global patent protection.

For example, the European Patent Office (EPO) has established guidelines to assess the patentability of software inventions. The EPO considers technical character, technical effects, and the contribution to the technical field in determining patent eligibility. On the other hand, countries like Japan have stricter requirements for software patentability, focusing on technical aspects and practical applications.

This lack of harmonization can make it challenging for software developers and businesses to navigate the patent landscape and protect their innovations worldwide. It requires careful consideration of the specific requirements and standards in each jurisdiction where software patent protection is sought.

The Role of Open Source Software

Open source software, which is made freely available to the public, has also sparked discussions regarding software patentability. Open source software often comes with licenses that encourage collaboration, sharing, and the free use, modification, and distribution of the software’s source code. The question arises: Can open source software be patented?

Patenting Open Source Software

The patenting of open source software has been a topic of debate within the software community. Some argue that patenting open source software goes against the principles of openness and collaboration. They believe that patents can create barriers and restrictions on the use and development of open source software, hindering innovation and the free exchange of ideas.

However, others argue that patenting open source software can provide protection and incentives for developers. They believe that patents can help safeguard open source projects from being copied or exploited by entities that do not contribute back to the open source community. Patents can also encourage investment in open source software development by providing a means for companies or individuals to protect their investments and commercialize their innovations.

The debate surrounding the patenting of open source software reflects the tension between the goals of collaboration and innovation. Finding a balance between protecting intellectual property and fostering collaboration in the open source community remains a challenge.

The Importance of Software Protection

While the debate about software patentability continues, one thing is clear: software protection is crucial. Whether through patents, copyrights, or trade secrets, software creators must take steps to safeguard their intellectual property. Without adequate protection, software innovations may be vulnerable to unauthorized copying, reverse engineering, or infringement.

The Role of Patents in Software Protection

Patents can provide significant advantages in software protection. They grant exclusive rights to the patent holder, allowing them to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented software without their consent. This provides a legal framework for software creators to monetize their innovations, attract investments, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Furthermore, patents can serve as a deterrent to potential infringers. The knowledge that a software invention is patented can discourage others from copying or using the technology without permission. Patents can also be licensed or sold, allowing software creators to generate revenue or collaborate with other entities.

Alternative Forms of Software Protection

Aside from patents, other forms of intellectual property protection may be applicable to software. Copyrights, for example, automatically protect original works of authorship, including software code. By obtaining a copyright, software creators can prevent others from copying, distributing, or modifying their code without permission.

Trade secrets can also provide protection for valuable software algorithms or processes. Unlike patents or copyrights, trade secrets rely on secrecy rather than disclosure. By keeping certain aspects of the software confidential, software creators can maintain a competitive advantage and prevent others from exploiting their innovations.

Choosing the appropriate form of protection for software depends on various factors, including the nature of the software, the goals of the software creator, and the legal landscape in which they operate. It is important for software developers and businesses to consult with intellectual property professionals to determine the most suitable protection strategy.

Jurisdictional Differences in Software Patentability

It is important to note that software patentability can vary across jurisdictions. While some countries, like the United States, allow software patents under certain conditions, others have stricter requirements or exclude software from patent eligibility altogether.

United States

In the United States, software can be patented if it meets the requirements of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. The Supreme Court decisions in Diamond v. Diehr and State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group have played a significant role in shaping the patentability of software in the country.

However, the interpretation and application of patent law in the United States have evolved over time. The Supreme Court’s decision in the Bilski v. Kappos case imposed limitations on the patentability of software inventions that were deemed to be abstract ideas without a practical application. Subsequent court decisions, such as Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, have further clarified the boundaries of software patentability.


In Europe, the patentability of software is governed by the European Patent Convention (EPC) and interpreted by the European Patent Office (EPO). The EPC allows software to be patented if it meets the requirements of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.

The EPO has established guidelines and case law to assess the patentability of software inventions. These guidelines consider technical character, technical effects, and the contribution to the technical field in determining patent eligibility. The EPO takes into account the practical implementation and specific technical features of the software in assessing its patentability.

Other Jurisdictions

Other countries have their own criteria and interpretations for software patentability. Japan, for example, has stricter requirements and focuses on technical aspects and practical applications of software inventions. Some countries, like New Zealand, exclude software as patentable subject matter altogether, considering it a matter of copyright or trade secret protection.

Understanding these jurisdictional differences is crucial for software developers seeking patent protection on a global scale. It requires careful consideration of the specific requirements and standards in each jurisdiction and may involve seeking patent protection in multiple countries to ensure comprehensive coverage.

The Future of Software Patentability

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the future of software patentability remains uncertain. With the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and other emerging technologies, new challenges and opportunities arise.

Emerging Technologies and Software Patentability

The rapid development and adoption of emerging technologies pose new challenges to software patentability. These technologies often involve complex algorithms, data processing, and innovative applications, raising questions about the patentability of software in these domains.

Artificial intelligence, for example, presents challenges in determining the inventiveness and non-obviousness of software implementations. Machine learning algorithms that continuously improve and adapt their behavior also raise questions about the static nature of patent protection.

Additionally, blockchain technology, which enables decentralized and secure transactions, introduces unique challenges in software patentability. The distributed nature of blockchain and the collaborative development of blockchain-based applications raise questions about the boundaries of individual inventions and the patentability of software that relies on a network of interconnected components.

Legal and Policy Reforms

As technology continues to shape our world, legal systems and policy frameworks will need to adapt and evolve to ensure that intellectual property rights keep pace with technological advancements. Governments, patent offices, and industry experts are actively engaged in discussions and debates about the future of software patentability.

These discussions often revolve around finding the right balance between promoting innovation, fostering competition, and ensuring access to technology. They also consider the impact of software patents on smaller businesses, startups, and the open source community.

Legal and policy reforms may involve reevaluating the patentability criteria for software, addressing the challenges posed by patent trolls, harmonizing international standards, and exploring alternative forms of intellectual property protection that better suit the evolving nature of software innovation.

Inconclusion, the question “Can you patent software?” does not have a simple answer. The patentability of software is a complex and evolving topic, influenced by legal frameworks, court decisions, technological advancements, and the goals of intellectual property protection. While software can be considered an invention in certain circumstances, patentability requirements and challenges remain.

The distinction between patents and copyrights is essential in understanding the patentability of software. Copyrights protect original works of authorship, while patents safeguard inventions. Software can be seen as a unique creation that involves technical innovation, problem-solving, and the implementation of algorithms. However, not all software may qualify for patent protection, as it must meet specific criteria such as novelty, non-obviousness, and utility.

The evolution of software patentability has been shaped by landmark cases and legal developments. Courts and patent offices have been faced with the challenge of determining the boundaries and requirements for software patentability. Decisions such as Diamond v. Diehr and State Street Bank v. Signature Financial Group have played a significant role in establishing the patentability of software.

The requirements for software patentability, including novelty, non-obviousness, and utility, ensure that software inventions are innovative, technically advanced, and provide practical applications. These requirements help prevent the granting of patents for trivial or obvious software solutions.

The challenges of software patentability include the abstract nature of software, the presence of patent trolls, jurisdictional differences, and the debate surrounding the patenting of open source software. The abstract nature of software raises questions about the boundaries of patentable subject matter and the extent to which software can be considered an invention. Patent trolls pose challenges by engaging in litigation and potentially hindering innovation. Jurisdictional differences create complexities for software developers seeking global patent protection. The patenting of open source software raises debates about the balance between protection and collaboration within the open source community.

Software protection is crucial, regardless of the feasibility of software patentability. Patents, copyrights, and trade secrets offer different forms of intellectual property protection for software innovations. Choosing the appropriate form of protection depends on factors such as the nature of the software and the goals of the software creator.

The future of software patentability is uncertain, as emerging technologies and legal and policy reforms continue to shape the landscape. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain present new challenges and considerations for software patentability. Legal and policy reforms may be necessary to adapt the patent system to the evolving nature of software innovation.

In conclusion, the patentability of software remains a complex and evolving topic. While software can be patented under certain conditions, it must meet specific criteria and overcome challenges related to the abstract nature of software, patent trolls, jurisdictional differences, and the open source debate. Understanding the requirements, challenges, and alternatives in software protection is essential for software developers and businesses operating in the digital landscape. As technology continues to advance, legal and policy reforms will play a crucial role in shaping the future of software patentability and intellectual property protection.

Austin J Altenbach

Empowering Developers, Inspiring Solutions.

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